Originally Posted by jesse
- When doing 6-2 does she prefer horizontal format or vertical? Write out things in the way she likes to see it...

Maybe play some stressful timed games to get use to the feeling of being under pressure that is unrelated to math. Then do some math drill games for fun and just try to get better and better at it. Give self a reward when reach a reachable goal. The goal could be to get 2/10 right under 15 seconds and not break down from the stress and the reward will be ... . It is mastering the internal feeling. This is an ongoing technique that even adults find extremely useful in overcoming difficult problems.

best wishes

You called that one. DId you read this article? http://www.science20.com/news_releases/math_under_stress_working_memory_key

a small excerpt:
The type of working memory involved in solving math problems may be affected by the way the problems are presented. When arithmetic problems are written horizontally, more working memory resources related to language are used (solvers usually maintain problem steps by repeating them in their head). However, when problems are written vertically, visuo-spatial (or where things are located) resources of working memory are used. Individuals who solve vertical problems tend to solve them in a way similar to how they solve problems on paper. Beilock wanted to know if stereotype-induced stress (i.e. reminding women of the stereotype that "girls can't do math") would result in different results for solving vertical versus horizontal math problems. The findings showed that the women who had been exposed to the negative stereotype performed poorly, although only on the horizontal problems (which rely on verbal working memory). Beilock suggests that the stereotype creates an inner monologue of worries, which relies heavily on verbal working memory. Thus, there is insufficient verbal working memory available to solve the horizontal math problems.

I think I am going to get the Krypto game to start, but have her work on paper, vertically smile She needs some "success" before going on to some of the harder things. I like the mathinasium idea (especially as it takes me out of the equation). I tried to look at mathletics, but couldn't figure out how to do it --it looked like it was just for schools. I agree we will have to find a way for her to practice under stress... maybe later.

Thanks everyone!