Originally Posted by flower
As far as books, my daughter tends towards fiction reading. She has been reading Jane Eyre which is really about the isolation of a gifted woman way back when.... and I think she identifies with the characters. There was a vampire series that she read where the main character was gifted and went to college early. HTH

I stayed away from placing my dd on the curve exactly, and spoke more in generalities (mostly because that's what I've got). How does your daughter feel about it all?

I think about how my jr high/high school years might have been different if I had understood more about myself. I guess I have some baggage.

I'm with you about the middle school "topics". I'm not sure she is coming to me with everything, though. She's never been one to discuss her day much.

Jane Eyre! Good idea. I want to read it too! She actually saw a trailer for its movie the other week when we went to Kings Speech. I bet she'd read it.

(The vampire one sounds familiar...I'll ask her if she's read one like it)