Originally Posted by Grinity
Have your read Sylvia Rimm's 'Why Smart Kids get poor grades?'
It seems possible that your DD has learned that dependency has big payoffs - if so, above book may be helpful.

It must be mystifying when she can't outline the main points after reading a page or two.
Have you tried teaching her about graphical organizers to keep a cartoon of ideas while she reads? It may be that she can draw a time line, but can't get the words out. Since she likes to draw, what about asking her to make a drawing of what she is reading.

You might have luck with the book
it sounds as though your DD isn't really good at picking out salient features of complicated scenes. Can you practice this outside of the reading context. Perhaps show her cartoons of a person almost ready to make a mistake and see if she can look at the scene and figure out the main point?

Perhaps take her into a room of a friend's house and ask her what inferences she can draw about the people who live in the house based on what she sees? Eventually you can ask her to rank which of the inferences is the most important, and explain her reasoning.

If you can do this politely enough - at resturants or parks you can practice people watching, and ask "If that family with the dog was in a movie, what would be happening in that movie?" and just practice noticing details, and making stuff up.

My son was really good at getting the 'big picture' but almost 'detail blind' around age 8. This seems to have shifted as he's grown. Does you DD catch the main point of the whole book? Do you read and discuss books together? Are you able to make 'inside jokes' using references to books you have both enjoyed?

I also wonder why she chooses pleasure reading below her school reading level...it could be so many things, but I would get her eyes checked by a developmental optomitirist to see if her eyes are tracking in a mature way. Has she had her hearing checked lately?

does any of this sound familiar?

It sounds like her school situation is very good.

Best Wishes,

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