So... in our over-populated world, what should the target population be... and who gets to decide that figure? And who gets to enforce that figure? And as long as we are mandating a reduction, how is it any more or less evil to dictate which segments of the population need greater reductions?

Since I'm not a fan of gov't control over much of anything -- let alone population control -- I think we've got to have a little more faith in the individual. And if some populations haven't figured out that the dozen-kids-per-household isn't the best strategy, well, I suppose they'll figure it out at some point.

On the other hand, while (and because) I'm not going to bounce around the globe extolling the virtues of my own personal vision of nirvana vis-a-vis population control, I see nothing wrong with sharing with some choice local friends and relatives the idea that a few more comparatively smarter babies in this world isn't necessarily a bad thing.