
That is great news about DS. You also bring a great point about using the school in the process and perhaps they will see what needs to be done.

BK�s previous post also brought up this point and from the conference, this is what her teacher was sharing with me. The school will not share the previous test results since they were used in the admission process. I was told that since she got in, then the scores were most likely in the gifted range. Then, why is the class moving so relatively slow? The teacher also shared that she knew the reading assignments were very easy for DD, so she was extending things by giving her more reading comprehension and allowing her to draw inferences from what she is reading. She said nothing about math. It appears that language arts is the main emphasis at this point for the children.

It is almost March, so it does not make much sense to me to push the issue for this school year. But, I really like Cathy�s idea about using the school. I find the idea of my DD being in the 99% unlikely, but maybe just going through the process will let the school see she needs more challenge.

So, I think testing over spring break may be good or do you all think I should wait until summer?