I am new to the board and from reading here, have so many questions. I feel like I have let my child down and hope we can recover ground.

My daughter is now six and in kindergarten because her birthday fell after the September 1 cut off. I had her tested for early entry kindergarten and she did well. Since her zone school was not very good, I opted not to send her there. Instead, she enrolled in a combined preK/K program last year. I was told that she could not enroll in first grade this year because of the birthday, so I opted for a Christian school kindergarten program.

I have serious concerns that she is not being fully challenged. Most of the kids started out learning letters and letter sounds. The kids are now beginning to read, but my child has been reading for almost two year now. From when she did the Woodcok Johnson for early entry, her math scores were very high. In spite of this,she is learning the same math as the other children.

I am a single mom and work with her in the evenings on enrichment activities, but I cannot facilitate a whole curriculum and work too. I feel like her potential is being wasted and have had a little of the pushy parent bit thrown at me by the principal. The good part is that her teacher is starting to see that her intellect and drive is her very own and not imposed by me.

I would appreciate any advice you all have on how to positively advocate for her educational needs, any programs that I could facilitate at home easily etc. The bad part is my daughter is starting to get bored at school and that is not what I want for her and that is not the child she is.