My sister in law is a principal of a k-5 school in Fulton County and my brother in law teaches at a HS in Fulton County.

The schools vary - I agree that you should speak with the gifted ass'n. Sometimes the top rated schools are not the best at dealing with differences - they have a "all our kids are smart" attitude.

I have to say bullying of any form is not accepted at my sister in law's school, they take it very seriously. And at her school, at least in math, they have no problem with subject acceleration. She has 2 kids who go up 2 years in the school and 3-4 per grade who go up one year. Her school has a diverse range of abilities, and it seems to me they are willing to work with parents if a child has the need for more challenge. As with anything, I wouldn't dismiss all of the public schools (I have found the private schools I have spoken to are less willing to accomodate individual needs than the public ones).