Originally Posted by annaliisa
I think that we clash because I love a challenge and absolutely loath doing 'easy' things. It's actually a problem TBH. As soon as I figure something out I lose all interest. I sometimes wonder if HS was smooth and easy if it would push me over the edge smile DD appears to be opposite at this point. She loves 'easy' and runs crying and screaming from a challenge. The screaming part is hard...

We have similar problems with DD8.5 and myself. I have to give myself a pep talk before I help her with anything. I have to remind myself that she doesn't see things like I do. It takes every ounce of my patience and a bunch that I have out on loan to get through a single homework session. Even the 'easy' stuff is a struggle because she might actually have to *gasp* WRITE SOMETHING DOWN!.

I am so happy that I found this forum. It helps to read how others struggle with similar problems. I was beating myself up last night after a disasterous session with her 'extra' work project. She is trying to convince her teacher that she can do harder work, but in truth.... she would never do it. I had to sit and hold her hand and cheerlead her through each step. It made me want to just give up advocating for her. She fights work at every turn. I guess I need to start thing of her as an onion, too. Although, I detest onions and they make me gag, LOL.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery