Thanks for your feedback. As always, it has been so helpful...

Grinity, it does feel 'glacial' that is a great way of putting it. I am accustomed to huge leaps and so it is harder to see the slow but steady progress.

As for the bad educational fit, it was at school (preschool and K)and at home. The school part was way too easy and I think this contributed to the perfectionism, too much praise, zero challenge, etc. The home part is more complicated. DD perceives any kind of instruction as criticism. I also routinely misinterpret DDs emotional response to life, especially HS.

I think that we clash because I love a challenge and absolutely loath doing 'easy' things. It's actually a problem TBH. As soon as I figure something out I lose all interest. I sometimes wonder if HS was smooth and easy if it would push me over the edge smile DD appears to be opposite at this point. She loves 'easy' and runs crying and screaming from a challenge. The screaming part is hard...

As for the assessment I really think that we need to do it all. I don't want to miss anything. I also flip back and forth on the possibility of 2E. I keep putting it off because of the cost.

Originally Posted by kimck
I think overcoming that perfectionism/laziness is a marathon not a sprint

You are absolutely right. I don't think that I've ever heard someone describe the perfectionism/laziness combo. I see this with DD everyday. I think that my understanding of perfectionism is very superficial, even though I struggle with perfectionism. I feel like I'm peeling an onion for the most part.

I'm also starting to understand how low my DDs self esteem really is. She generally responds to frustration with anger. For YEARS I've interpreted this as being strong willed, but it's not. My poor little onion. She is only 7, as you said.
