Wow, thanks HK, that sort of thing is exactly what I was afraid of. I will definitely try to find the right professional to answer these questions for my DD before considering meds. my uncle is a heart surgeon, maybe he can point me in the right direction. I really want her to try the fish oil pills, but I fear even if those work, she will forget to take them once she is off at college.

Re; deadlines, my DD has trouble writing on what she calls "stupid promts" for things like the SAT writing test but she can sometimes knock out excellent 7-8 page papers at one sitting on the morning they are due. She says she needs to work it all out in her head first. She refused to ever do pre-writing or drafts, so when a paper does come to her complete in her head, it either happens just hours/minutes before it is to be submitted or more often, after the deadline. I don't think it has ever occurred ahead of a deadline. She seems to have no control over expediting the "workings" in the head that eventually produce good work but often too late.