To add to this, yesterday DS7 asked to do EPGY which we haven't done in a while. We use it as afterschooling when there is time and DS wants to. I felt sad and frustrated watching him. DS freaked out during the math races. He was hyperventilating and cried during each session saying he would never be able to win. He doesn't have rapid recall of his math facts yet. You could feel his panic. I explained that he WOULD learn the math facts, that doing the math races frequently could help to learn them and that everyone needs practice to learn them. I also noted that when it came to a new concept, he would call me for help. I was cooking dinner and told him I could help but he would have to wait a minute or two. Each time, he then would replay the lecture and tell me he no longer needed my help. I guess I am seeing that we need to find more experiences like this for him so he can get some confidence.