I'm fairly scared. He lives at a private prep school during the year and his dorm mom and I have worked togerther on daily life skills. She gets a lot of highly gifted kids. He loses everything, has no sense on what things are worth, doesn't seem to mind having to work to replace things or having stuff taken away as long as he's got a book or his calculator or even a pencil and a scrap of paper. He is doing his own laundry, helping prep meals, doing daily chores. Nothing like DH or myself. He's taking undergrad and master's work along with his reg hs stuff and blasting through it. We just met with his advisor who asked us to consider early graduation, he's 14. I can't imagine, then what? I'm afraid he'll be 40 living at home eating doritos working at mini mart if we don't drill some basic stuff into him now.
