Verona, fwiw, my son did the TVPS in July last year and had similar scores. We were told to remediate. Perhaps its because we're not in the Americas, so the standards are different. He has no problems with reading or math, but his physical skills are way behind, and I worry for his physical safety.

In November of last year, I brought him out of country to have his vision evaluated by a behavioral optometrist. Surprise- significant improvement across the board on a second TVPS. Seeing that he has been having vision therapy at various therapists on and off (mostly on) for 2 years prior, it must have been what went on in between july and nov that helped. This is what happened- I took charge.

I bought a balance board and did daily exercises with him. We each have one and we play ball this way.
I bought dr frank belgau's book as well- it's a good read and really helpful to understanding what's going on. The wider message to me is to focus on whole body improvement, in addition to visual improvement.

We also did a bunch of worksheet type exercises daily:

These 2 are subscription based. is free but I didn't rely on this as much. I work closely with his vision therapist and speech therapist (he has CAPD) to implement the daily exercises they recommend.

I'm not spending more money on testing- my thinking is that experienced therapists can discover more along the way than any snapshot test. For eg, even though the recent TVPS looked great, I know that the improved skills haven't translated into significantly better physical skills. We've started working with a kinesiologist to help improve this area.

Good luck!