She sounds wonderful, funnydogsmom! I like little firecrackers!

I think Grinity's right, you know, about worrying less about the label and more about finding what works--she just may not be a "structured class" kind of a kid, at least not right now, which is really OK. Mine aren't, either, particularly. There's nothing wrong with marching to the beat of a different drummer, especially when the drummer is beating in double-quick time!

Maybe you have had better luck than we have, but we have found the leaders of some--not all--structured group activities to be pretty patronizing, and if your children are used to being treated like interesting, intelligent, reasonable human beings, I think that the condescension can be pretty hard to take; maybe anarchy seems to a young child like a possible response to a situation that is uncomfortable? The tone some people take with children makes me squirm, and I can only imagine how it must feel to be on the receiving end.


PS: We homeschool, too, and were doing a vocabulary lesson one day last week when we came across "condescend"--the older two knew what it meant, but not the youngest--they explained it to him, and he said, "oh, you mean like the yellow-boot lady" (their nickname for the woman who does the nature classes in our park system), at which point they all rolled around on the floor laughing. They're right, of course--maybe your daughter just needs to find some group class teachers who recognize the quality of her mind, and treat her accordingly.

Last edited by minniemarx; 01/13/11 09:18 PM.