Thanks, Grinity, I think Dr. Ruf is a great idea. Also private classes. I feel guilty that somehow she's missing all those fun classes that other little girls take. She has an active group of friends of various ages we see regularly, and thankfully would play with anyone for hours if they can run wildly and play tag, and we take advantage of parents' night out at various places with unstructured play at least once a week, so she can interact with different types/ages of kids. We did try a PNO at a local gym and she spent most of the evening getting in trouble, I was told, because she did not want to wait in line and would not take her hands out of the chalk (I don't want to imagine that scene, LOL). The kid is intense for sure, argumentative, and very logical in how she takes apart other people's arguments, but being singled out every time she takes a structured class has made her (and us) wonder why she's the only one always getting in trouble. I'll try to see if I can find one good mentor who's willing to work with her to see what happens. Though it's not that easy--coaches hear "bright little girl" and imagine a 5 yr old eager to please, quietly awaiting for instructions, and they get a tornado who loves trucks, Percy Jackson, subatomic particles, and mythical monsters.