Originally Posted by Dottie
Of course I was curious, and did question her mom...

Me: "BF was quoting quite the high IQ the other day"
BFmom: "Yes, it's 157, can you believe it?"
Me: "Wow, you might have some school issues on your hands, was that on the WISC-IV?"
BFmom: "Yes"

I watched this kid VERY closely for weeks afterward, and couldn't make any sense of it. Later I overheard her talking with another mom about a big "discrepancy" between scores. I'm quite certain in hindsight that her 157 was on the Slosson screener, that in the hands of an inexperienced school counselor has been known to overinflate (most of 70 or so 130+ scores did not test 130 on the WISC, including at least one score in the 150's!) I can only guess her WISC was more "down to earth" gifted.

Hmmm...the Slosson is a state approved screener. Maybe in my "fight" with the school I should request that for DD. LOL! Honestly, I really don't want to go there. I'm just ready for a WISC at this point. It's tempting, though.