Regarding the possibility that testers don't expect to see 19, so quit before they get there - it's a time honored idea in science that the preconcieved notions of the observer will effect what is observed, even with the best of intentions. ((This Confirmation Bias applys to us also - sadly))

My son has had a few tests, and the problem I see is that it takes so long to get to the questions with the 17+ scores on them. I hear comments over and over about the process taking 3 times longer than they expected. And also the comment about he made more mistakes during the easy boring questions early on. I also got comments about him "not allowing" the tester to stop in what appeared to be an anxious way. Never thought that perhaps he was reading their social cues for him to stop, and reacting to keep them at it. Maybe 19s are for the stupporn and obnoxious? ((Sorry if you have compliant kids with 19, reader!))

Makes me wonder if they had read the previous reports before they dove in...and if kids like him are being discriminated against in that they have to sit for three times longer than their agemates...KWIM?

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