LOL, and if we armchair psychs are confused, the average layperson doesn't have a chance! Never mind apples to apples, we can't even talk apples to kumquats or bananas to passionfruit!

I am looking at page one of the technical report. It looks like this boy had a full scale IQ of 158 with GAI of 160, and they changed these to 192 full scale and 208 GAI. I'm curious as to whether they are trying to make the scores line up with the old SBLM. I haven't looked through the whole report yet- do they include any data from the LM? I know that Linda Silverman likes the LM and I believe this boy came from her data. If I use my son's GAI (I still haven't looked for the subtest pages) and assume that it will change according to the table on page 16, then his new extended score is just a handful of points lower than his LM score.

I told ds 11 his score a few years ago when he asked. Previously, I'd drawn a bell curve and explained where he is on that. We talked about different tests measuring slightly different skills and the idea of a test score being just a snapshot of performance on a given day. He would never talk about this stuff with his friends. DD hasn't really been curious yet, though of course she was aware that she scored high enough for DITD.

Blah... have to go wash the dishes! Hey, BTW, I am deep cleaning the house for my Bright Minds Party on Monday night. If anyone wants to order (they do all those cool critical thinking workbooks, Greek and Latin roots, and more, for preschool through high school) please send me a pm with your email. I can send you to my Bright Minds rep's web site, and you can mention that it's for my party. I'll pick up your shipping costs.

Shameless, I know, but I am starting to get desperate! I have only two confirmed guests and a handful of maybes. I never should have planned this for the winter- nobody wants to go out at night! I really love the products though, and my kids do too.