Thank you all so much. I really think after reading here and about the gifted over excitabilities, this is what I am seeing. And the more I think about the finger movement, it is really like someone said in here (I don't want to go back and find it right now LOL) but that she is wired to absorb, she does absorb everything, but this seems to help her focus so to speak. She reallyu does this while she is listening to something or I am reading to her. She will also do it if she can hold the book with one hand while she is reading. With the other she will move her fingers.

I think for now we are just going to keep working on helping her adjust and deal with these situations.

On another note. I had lunch with a friend of mine who is a middle school teacher, and she offered me the use of a lot of her resources and assessment testing that she has avialiable to her. This will be a huge help on such a small and isolate island.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.