Really it is impossible for anyone to tell online. There is such a huge range. A behavior can be "okay" or "normal" in some kids but problematic if it is much more extreme for other kids.

My main suggestion would be to not focus on what looks normal but focus on how she is feeling. Is she upset more often than other kids? Is she in distress? Is she unhappy more often than she is happy? Does she need better ways to understand her intensity and better skills to cope with it?

I suggest focusing on that because that's what really matters. She sounds like a HG or PG kid and normal isn't really going to be in the cards for her, but happy could be. If you decide to get her evaluated when you are in Louisiana I would suggest planning ahead now and starting to find someone who is experienced at working with highly and profoundly gifted kids. Personally I would be very, very wary of getting her evaluated by anyone who doesn't specialize in giftedness because there is a huge likelihood of misdiagnosis from anyone who is not very familiar with working with these kids. You could always make an appointment for an evaluation now and cancel it if this stuff all passes by the time of the appointment.