This is from the Gifted Child's Survival Guide.

"I have the right to read at a pace and level that matches my ability, no matter what grade I�m in. I have the right to discuss what I read with my intellectual peers, regardless of their age. I have the right to reread many books and not finish every book I start. I have the right to use reading to explore new and challenging information and to grow intellectually. I have the right to read in-depth about topics of my own choosing. I have the right to learn advanced vocabulary words and literary concepts. I have the right to be guided toward the best literature, rather than be told what I must read. I have the right to read several books at the same time. I have the right to discuss my reading choices with others, without having to defend those choices. I have the right to be excused from reading material that I�ve already learned."

Warning: sleep deprived