Do your kids know they are doing advance work? Ds has always done workbooks about 2 year+ above his actual age and a lot of games he plays are for older kids. A year ago he started noticing the age and grade recommendations written on the books and the games and we would casually tell him that this were just a suggestions. Now he is in kindergarten in a g&t class and the work has begun to be less easy for him. He is now having to think for 5 seconds before answering a question and he just wants to give up. We are now encouraging him by praising him for taking the time to think and the effort he puts into his homework. (If anyone else has advice on what else to do that would be great). Today though while a bit frustrated with completing his homework he told me that he thinks that his teacher is crazy because she is teaching kindergartners, 1st grade stuff. I asked him how he knows this and he says that he saw it on her teacher's manual. He then tells me that kindergartners can't understand this stuff and that when she is teaching all he hears is, "blah, blah, blah, blah". I'm not sure if this means he doesn't understand the material, if he's actually shuts his mind off because he thinks its too hard, or if he's just pulling one on me. I didn't know what to say to him. Has anyone gone through this type of situation with their child? Any advice would be very appreciated!