Actually JD,
what I would love to see you doing is running a small school for the offspring of "your" students who have grown up and become parents...Neat thing is that you could 'teach' about 3 hours a day, and then offer babysitting for those who's parents can't do it themselves.

Other than that, I agree with casting the net broadly, particularly if there isn't money for actual programing - I'd go as far as to take the top 10% and any kid of any parent who asks. Then you can refine from there as you go - but essentially, if the school isn't providing money, you are going to have to organize the parents to cough it up. In the meantime you main job is going to be creating alliances with the teachers. Yes, it's difficult, but by pulling out a larger chunk, you will have less of an uphill battle. You want to find a way to avoid those interpersonal battles from the past...being the boss and doing the hiring is one way...being the coach and offering a hand to help the other teachers get training in another, KWIM?

Is your community the type that would pay for an afterschool program to give the really 'farthest out' kids some more individualized work?

Anyway, I'm delighted that you are here!
Wish you lived closer...

Coaching available, at