Originally Posted by aagift
He would turn 6 in august. Is it worth waiting till then to take the WISC.

Well, that kind of depends. Are you looking to get him accommodations in school -- extra reading or math or anything? If so, it might be worth getting it done now, so you have some scores in hand when you go to the school. It takes a looong time for some schools to get moving with changes, so if you're looking to get some changes at school, it will probably take a while. Getting the testing done now would give you a chance to talk to the school before summer rolls around. And if your child *does* hit ceilings on the test, he's obviously pretty quick!

If you're testing just because you'd like a better idea of where he is, then you may as well wait, in my opinion, and continue doing what you're doing with him.

Originally Posted by aagift
How and where do i get WISC or WPPSI.

You might want to try calling the psychology departments at local big name universities; they might be able to point you in the right direction. Otherwise, There are a few testers listed on the Hoagies website, which Grinity listed above. The ones in California aren't really in your area, though ...


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