
You're right about saying "don't compare him to others." I thought that as I wrote it. I think my frustration and the reason I allude to other kids is that "they were taught" and "they grew in their abilities." My little guy did not learn or grow. The other kids got to learn, my son didn't. That is the real point of contention.

Last year, my son came home once a week from school--sick. He went to the nurses office and told them he thought he was going to vomit. This happened for five straight weeks, then school ended for summer.

He told me a few days ago that he like school a little better this year because he hasn't lied to the school nurse this yet this year. (I thought he was faking it, but that little comment proved it.) He said in K it was so boring. He said this year, it is still boring, but there are some fun things going on as well.

His proudest moment is that he gets to help the girls that sit beside him with reading help.

He seems to be doing okay overall. He isn't miserable. But it is also clear that he isn't into the work part of school. I don't see material coming home that he can't already do--ever.