Thanks to all of you for your great replies. It's always nice to know your not alone out there. My son has the ability to sit still if it's on his terms. We notice that he will sit for hours at the computer when he is composing his music or manipulating photos to make a movie (way past my level of comprehension) but if I sit down to ask him to show me his work or teach me he immediately becomes squirmish and loses interest. He can write, but if I asked him to write down some rules for a game, we would be stuck for days listening to him make-up these odd-ball things that would ultimately get side-tracked and end up who-knows where!

acs, it's a relief to hear that there is another couple out there that made the decision to not have anymore children based on actions/needs of their first child! My son also tends to be highly verbal and sounds very mature (we call it diarrhea of the mouth). It can be very difficult to not treat him like a highly rational being at times and way beyond his 4 years of age. We have also been blessed with a profoundly passionate and easily overwhelmed child which means a new crisis everyday. Not too long ago, we spent a week in the kitchen crying over the eggs because he thought they were too cold living in the fridge and the only way to remedy this was to put a blanket on them.

I hope you don't mind if I use your "I will have used up all my pretend" acs, it's perfect! I am so tired of pretend I could scream. I have never met a child that could live in such a world filled with pretend - when do you start to worry?

My question is for those with 1 child vs multiple children. Do only children live in more of a fantasy world then those with siblings? Do gifted children do more fantasy/pretend play? When does it end!!! Help I am drowning in it! :-)
