Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone had experience with extremely bright ones (ages 4 or 5) in the family that don't do well with average evening family activities.

Let me try to clarify if I can! As a family, we try hard in the evenings and weekends to have family time by encouraging family games, crafts, puzzles, mind puzzles etc. My ds wants to participate but immediately thinks it's better to follow his own rules and make up his own way of doing things. It's very frustrating and no matter what we do it ends up with him just going off and doing his own thing which is usually just playing on the computer by himself.

He bores easily with repetitive games or activities and wants to "spice" things up but he's 4 and it usually ends up being nonsense and only fun for him. Unfortunately he is a little young yet for building models or doing anything too intricate and we seem to be stuck in a sort of limbo. The last thing we as a family want to do is see him spend too much time by himself on a computer but it always seems to be what he prefers.

Any advice for a struggling family on how to bring us together for group activities without boring our child that seems to be rapidly becoming smarter than his parents!!

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!
