[quote=Ania]Here we love to eat together and talk. We actually enjoy eating together so much, that I am sometimes feeding the kids fruits before dinner , waiting for DH to finally show up!
Our kids never liked board games too much. They play every once in a while, but this was never our "assigned" weekend/evening activity.

Ania, I envy that your kids love to eat with you. Our meals are always so painful. My DS is a super picky eater and a SLOW eater and sitting at the table is like pulling teeth for us. MY DH and I are NOT vegetarians but my DS chose to be one from early on, even before he really new what it meant to be one. We tried to feed him mashed up chicken and he would close his mouth and hold his breath or just scream bloody murder. Around 14 months he made it very clear that no meat would ever touch his body. I love to cook and I always try to involve him in the process but he is much more interested in "creating" and wasting then actually making something edible. I can only do so much of that!
