
Your comments are really interesting. DH tells about 1 fellow from his "group" at Harvard. Most went to law school or medical school. Two guys who didn't and sort of forged middle class, manager at Sears, kind of lives do not keep in contact. Even when pushed, they do not respond to emails. One came to a party of ours (had a semi-reunion) got really drunk and talked about how he was friends with Michael and Caroline Kennedy (they were in DH class) and now....

The guy made choices and has a nice life but when drunk lamented. On the other hand, another got divorced because his wife decided she wanted a Nobel prize instead of children. But then she married a guy who got the Nobel prize so she has little chance of getting it.

In this case, the woman did not opt out of striving. But she clearly measures her intelligence against her experience at Hunter. When I say her grandfather was a well known NY politician, he was an amazing man and maybe that was a tough yardstick but I really think it was the Hunter experience as she told me the story.
