Hi Dottie - yes, the plot thickens. I didn't want to throw too much at everyone at once!;)

How do your kids handle being in the same grade? We worry that the younger one will always be in the older one's shadow.

Our school has a cooperating GT trained teacher at each grade level so the Id'd Gt kids are grouped in the same class and that teacher works closely with the GT coordinator. So, if they were in the same grade , they would really need to be in the same class,too.

I'm not sure how either of them would feel about a skip, we haven't mentioned it to them because I don't want them to worry needlessly.

If we did skip, though, I would want to do it gradually by having them start to visit the next grade this year and get comfortable with the kids and the different expectations so they wouldn't jump into it *cold* at the beginning of next year.

This is why I am asking about testing, etc.

It may all be a waste of time b/c the GT teacher said our district really frowns on grade skips and that they are "nearly impossible" to achieve.

However, if I'm convinced they need it, I'm willing to fight for it. I guess I just need a little more convincing first. (and dh needs A LOT more convincing!)
