Thanks, Dottie! I knew I'd get something wrong. But I was awake, so I figured I'd take a crack at it. smile

Dottie's post also reminds me of something I meant to add: my DS got 43 of 44 right on the CogAT in his strongest area, Nonverbal, which is a score of 140, or 99th percentile. His WISC score on Perceptual Reasoning, the comparable WISC subtest (I think), was a 151. He only got a 118 for Verbal Skills on the CogAT, so he was in the 87th percentile--not even GT!--for verbal, though he's currently having an easy time with "Old Yeller," a 5th or 6th grade book. That's a good 5 years above grade level, but the CogAT didn't even show him as GT in that area!

I tell you this to stress to you again that I think you have a *very* bright little girl on your hands!
