Originally Posted by master of none
Maybe it boils down to having a supportive comfortable environment to learn vs a highly charged environment--a now brainer decision. But it seems like there's so much to lose-- will he lose all the progress he's made handling the social demands of public school, and I'd hate to see him lose it.

I'm wondering what you think that you would lose? It seems to me that any coping skills that he has actually gained are his to keep. Maybe if he is sort of 'callosed' then the calloses would be lost, but if it isn't a genuine integrated skill, and only a outer hardening, then is that something worth keeping?

I so identify with you just thinking 'this must be who he is' as my DS isn't anxious, but get's grim for so long that I think it must be him. Then a catch a glimmer - last spring he was skipping at BIQ weekend - at age 13, and CTY camp - he feels that he has permission to be himself and I see a whole different kid.

It's hard to ask you to give up a job you love - will they take you back if you package it as a 'Sabbatical year?' I don't really see it as a vote of no-confidence of your son or the school, just a 'Sabbatical' to see what life is like this way.

Even though there is a 'state law' against partial homeschooling, I would go up the food chain, perhaps with a doctor's note, asking if he can continue his music at the school. You are paying taxes, right? And the school does have his best interests at heart, right?

I've never homeschooled, but thought about it often. If you had a chance to travel around the world for 2 months you'd pull him from school - right? So what's wrong with doing that without the trip?

hope that helps,

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