So much homework for such little kids--awful! The one night DS 6 had close to 2 hrs of homework, I wrote the teacher a note and said I thought it was excessive (one math concept, math problems). HG/PG kids don't need such repetition. They can master it after a couple problems. Since then he's only had max of 30 minutes, but most days none. My older kids (9th & 7th grades) have about an hour of homework usually.

Did anyone hear the story on NPR this morning about the connection between The Family Dinner and school success? Very interesting. Evidently the new researcher says it's not specifically sitting down to dinner, but more the quality of interaction, conversation, vocabulary, etc. at dinner. Isn't this an argument to limit activities so everyone can hang out and talk? How can quality of conversation be top knotch if kids are so exhausted after soccer, violin, etc. and mom is too beat from transporting to conjure witty reparte?