My girls (6 and 9) play softball and basketball. DD6 started taking piano lessons last summer. Whoever mentioned that it's hard when both parents work is right. We don't get home until 5:30, and sometimes DD6 is too wiped out to practice. We are trying to encourage her to keep it up because she's very good.

DD9 really wants to take guitar lessons, so we will probably try that over the summer and see how it goes. Our schedule is pretty maxed out, so we don't let our kids do a whole lot of activities. It's just too much, and we feel like they need some time to just be kids.

Overall, I think music classes are great. I was very involved in music as a child (12 years piano and choir), and I know I benefitted from it. If you can swing it, I think it's great. I just wish I didn't have to work so that it would be easier for us.