GS8 thrives on a busy schedule. He started K while still with our son. He had behavior issues at school and stepmom responded by taking things away until all he was allowed to do was stay in his room, he just behaved worse. We got custody in the middle of K and I started him in ice skating lessons and a couple more things. He's had piano & swimming lessons in the last year.

Currently he's in Cub Scouts which is usually 2 meetings/month and 1 pack meeting a month. He takes Spanish after school 1 day/week. He has 3 calves and does farm chores that take about an hour every night. 4-H will start next month with meetings every 2 weeks until schools out, then every week until August. He shows the calves 1-3 times/month right now and will show at about a dozen county & state fairs and jr shows this summer. He's a regular member of his Sunday night church youth group. We take him to farm educational meetings with us. He reads a lot and I started him on the Singapore math books in January. He has less than 5 minutes of homework from school I'll probably try to work in flute lessons this summer. We also try to do some projects at home that add to what he is doing at school.
So far, the more he does, the happier he is. The physical activity from the farm work has been good for him, but I think adding the math books has been the best addition.