Originally Posted by momtofour
I would have politely sent an email to the teacher and said, "just to let you know, dd mistakenly was given a 3rd grade sheet."
I'm NOT dismissing your frustration or your concerns- believe me, I have BTDT (ds8 is my youngest of four gifted kids and dd19 is entering her senior year of college). It is enough to make you scream at times dealing with the school system, and that's without the added frustration you have of paying tuition.

One thing I would try if you haven't done it already is to write everything down. Actually, this might be a great opportunity to do it in a natural way. You can send a note saying, "I just wanted to clarify things because dd came home with the wrong homework. It was, I'm sure, just a mistake, but I did want to make sure we're all on the same page." And then, write things down.

Don't be confrontational - you can even blame your dd if you have to - "dd seems to be getting mixed up on the homework. She brought third grade math homework home today. Can you help her make sure she picks up the right page every day?"
Obviously, if this doesn't work...
THEN go in with guns blazing. smile But the schoolyear is still new and you don't want to alienate her teacher yet.
Good luck!
Great words of wisdom Theresa - well said!

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