I need advice. DD just started 3rd and is supposed to be going to 5th grade for math this year. She went to 4th grade math last year at the same school, so I feel like the school should have its act together.

We met with the teacher and the principal before school started to make sure the school could really accommodate her this year - we didn't pay her tuition until after the meeting because we have been very concerned about the school being able to meet her needs. The school principal and teacher were very polite and somewhat receptive, so we left the meeting optimistic. This is her 3rd year at the school.

School started last Wed. 5th grade math won't start until next week. But, she came home with 3rd grade math homework Friday! I think she accepted the worksheet from her homeroom teacher to please her, but when dd told me about her homework she burst into tears because she knew I would be mad.

I know that I am overreacting, but she did actually work out of the same Everyday Math 3rd grade workbook in kindergarten. (Okay, not all of it, but still.) I feel like her getting this homework sheet sends mixed signals to dd and to us about the rest of this year.

DD says, "Its okay because her teacher said that she'll only get the 3rd grade math homework occasionally." What? I might feel better about the situation if the teacher had said, "Do it only if you want to," or "Its just this time."

I thought about throwing the sheet away, but that clearly upsets dd and puts her in the middle. I could send in different homework, but that seems kind of obnoxious this early in the year. At the same time, just having her do it and turn it back in sets a precedent that this is okay.

Thinking back, this has happened a couple times before, but always with a substitute, but never with a regular teacher.

I know this a very common situation. I'm wondering how other folks have handled this situation positively.

Warning: sleep deprived