
Thank you very much for your comments. I am planning to ask for the subtest results to see if they shed more light. The tester did do a reading/written output test -- my son's reading comprehension is at a 9th grade level and his writing at a grade 3 level (although I think he could have done better on the writing test - his teacher and I feel that is writing skills are at grade level, which is grade 4).

Since my last post I have been doing some reading about NVLD, and my son probably does fit into this group. He does have some social issues -- difficulty taking the perspective of others, inflexible, doesn't work well in a group, thinks very much in black and white. His motor skills are OK but not great, and he has a hard time with team sports (when there's lots of movement etc). I suspected from the age of 4 that he has sensory processing issues, and now I realize that this is also common in NVLD. He also has a poor sense of time, space and geography.

He is doing OK academically (they do standardized tests every year -- he scored very high in reading, vocabulary and verbal problem solving and low average in math calculation and spelling) but things seem to be getting worse as he goes on in school. He is unhappy and seems to have lost interest in learning. He loves to read, but lately its mostly cartoons and ghost stories.

Suggestions for the most helpful interventions would be greatly appreciated -- occupational therapy, speech therapy, or others?

Also, suggestions about how to describe this disorder to his teacher -- she currently sees him as a bright child with an attitude problem and a lack of empathy ( I can't blame her for that, since I thought the same thing until we had the testing done).

Thanks again.