It's funny...I JUST had a convo five minutes ago w/someone at work where I was saying "People save up to pay for college, but I think it's better to suck it up and realize sometimes you have to pay out the wazoo for high quality care when the kids are little. It's more your responsibility to improve their environment when they are little than when they are 18." So I respectfully suggest that you think through your financial priorities. You may realize that the benefit of additional help/camps/a different preschool outweigh the financial cost. I've been in your shoes and I've managed to find wonderful people to help out and bring new perspectives to my kids.

I'm only throwing this out there because you mentioned that your husband travels alot. I ASSume this is for work, so I further ASSume that your financial situation is reasonably OK. If I'm wrong, please accept my sincere apologies.