thanks passthepotatoes for your post and other responses....we got concerned with seeing DS7 experience panic attack after panic attack after the whole Plaster of Paris episode....we took him to a top specialist out of town after our doctor gave us an official diagnosis of Acute Stress Reaction (which is the stage before Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome...ASR occurs up to 90 days after a traumtic event and if symptoms persist past 90 days it is consiered PTSS). The psychologist also agrees with the diagnosis - DS7 actually was afraid for his life during the plaster of paris experiment because of the "exaggerated" warning label that was on the package. We have been doing several weeks of a mix of play/cognitive behavior therapy and are also looking into hypnosis to try to help him get over this. The poor little guy is having flash backs, cold sweats, full blown panic attacks when confronted with anything that reminds him of that day. We are making progress - so thanks to those that suggested that maybe there may be something a little deeper than a little one just being sensitive. His Psych said that DS7 is darn smart and that just makes things a little more trickier because he is learning things that his brain can handle but his emotional age is having trouble digesting. Thanks guys for the support!!!