You all have NO idea how comforting it is to hear that others are going through the same thing. I almost was in tears reading the posts because sometimes I feel so alone in trying to figure out my little guy. He is such an incredible kid and I am SO lucky to be his mom but I sometimes feel so overwhelmed with things he goes through and I feel like I am not doing enough to help him.

After we met with the doctor today (it was not my son's regular doctor or the regular office - she was on vacation this week and we took what was available)..the doctor was very nice and they did not have my son's full medical charts because it is kept at the main office - after she looked over him and said everything was fine, I stayed behind while DH took our son to the car and we spoke for a moment - the doctor's first words were, "he is one smart kiddo" then it was followed right after with how sensitive he was and then I knew what was coming - she asked if he had ever been assessed for being on the spectrum. I asked her why she came to that thought - she said that spectrum children tend to be so smart yet so sensitive. I quickly followed with yes, but highly gifted children are very smart and can be very sensitive as well and just because they have those traits does not automatically mean they are on the spectrum. She agreed and said she did not know my son's medical history or the fact that he was gifted.....but it is frustrating when I hear the same blanket statement right out of the gate. My DS has been assessed til the cows came home and he is not on the spectrum, does not fall into any of the PDD or OCD avenues - the last psych said he is just extremely gifted and his body is having a rough time always dealing with that. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone!!!!