Originally Posted by Violet
Your son could benifit from cognitive therapy. If your son is used to the statistics of a tornado appearing in his state, he'd be gradually habituated out of the fear. Plus, cognitive-behavioral therapy doesn't dissipate your child's natural personality with medication or other treatments like that! It just makes the fears naturally go away. It worked for one of my fears, and if your child is tired of being scared, it would work out.

Yes, I strongly agree!

Sometimes I think parents are dismissive of the need to really deal with kid's worries because we assume they will grow out of them. While yes kids will likely outgrow the fear of make-up (or whatever other wacky thing) the fundamental personality traits of sensitivity and anxiety may not go away. For this reason, I am a fan of getting kids help early on instead of letting them struggle for years. Cognitive behavioral therapy is quit effective. We've seen huge improvements for our child all without medication. He's still a sensitive person and will always be so, but he's not having to live with such ongoing feelings of anxiety.