Thank you all for saving me from myself and my tendency to over-explain.

I talked to my dd yesterday about writing a letter to her teacher, and she wants to. I think it will be something along the lines of "Dear Mrs. X, I like princesses and candy. I have two cats. I can't wait for first grade. Love, DC" But of course, if she wants to write something else, so be it.

We'll try to write a short letter mentioning a couple of book series (perhaps books dd reads on her own and some books we read together?); mention that she likes ballet, singing and science, and that she can be slow to warm up, but will quickly get over that and be *very* social (I don't know that I'll mention she's likely to do this if she gets bored.)

We'll also mention that we'd love to help, including buying extra supplies for the room, if necessary. Just let us know what's needed.

I think based on the general tone of advice here, I'm not going to mention academics directly at all. The school already has some information on that based on the request we had to make to enroll our daughter in first grade. The principal seemed aware that she'd need differentiation (he was actually the first to use the word in our conversation). During our conversations we also did not mention the words "gifted" or "grade-skip". I'll assume it will be passed on. If it's not, we can address it after a couple of weeks.

I think that the only reference I'll make to age is that dd's birthday is the first week in September, so we'd like to know if there's any arrangements we need to make for that.

I really appreciate the feedback. Venting everything here will allow me to be much more restrained in the actual letter.

