Dear Ones,
I know we've talked about sleep some, but it's a real hot topic, so I thought I'd give it it's own spot.

Originally Posted by Grinity
Can you get the sleep thing to work? (or let her sleep with you the night before the test, if that's how she sleeps best?)

Lots and Lots of gifted kids sleep poorly! For some it's because they are terrible about winding down, for other it's because they just don't need a lot of sleep. Figuring out which situation fits your particular kid is the key. I think that a lot of us freewheeling gifted mom's really rebel against the schedual thing, which doesn't help the child sleep well. That was true of me anyway!

I was convinced that my DS11 just didn't need sleep as a baby, but I might have noticed that he drifted off just fine as long as he had skin-to-skin with me!

Anyway - welcome!

Originally Posted by Aline
Interesting note on sleep and giftedness! My DD9 STILL won't sleep alone and neither will many of her friends -- a fact that is there but a bit under the radar until you ask their parents.I have always been convinced that this is one her quirks -- She is very independent until-- she's not! I was TERRIFIED to sleep when I was a child.

Do you have any citations about this/


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