When he notices and laments the fact that physical abilities are more highly valued by most kids his age, judging by the responses he receives to his facebook posts. At a recent cast party at a swimming pool, most of the kids were at the diving board showing off all kinds of flips and and a few flops while my son watched in the shallow end because he still doesn't swim well and doesn't want to be forced underwater by some of the other boys.

On Facebook, the actor kids were talking about how talented some of them were because they could do all kinds of cool diving moves and they are. Most of the acting kids do seem what I would call physically gifted. My son, who has a mild disability, is not gifted in this way except for his ability to do improv imitations of people with typical things they might say, accents, mannerisms, etc.

It is usually just the high school age and college age kids that really get his witty remarks so that is who he invites to his parties now. It really is okay to have older friends. Some of the kids his age made comments on Facebook like "you make my brain hurt" except for one girl who asked him if he was going to the cast party. She laughs at his jokes and tells him he is really funny. She is smart, cute and has a beautiful voice and she talks to him even though he is at the shallow end of the pool.