The year that I coached Destination Imagination (formerly Odyssey of the Mind in these parts) was our worst in terms of being over-scheduled. I co-coached then DD9's team. We met after school at my co-coach's house. Although it was a friendly atmosphere for my 2 younger DCs, it was another day out of the house for them after school. It turned out to be a huge negative for then DD7 who was struggling due to some 2e issues that we hadn't identified at that point.

I guess I would caution that coaching DI is a huge commitment and to consider your other kids (if applicable). Ideally, I would recommend recruiting your own team so you have an idea what kind of behavioral issues may be present and whether the group has the desire to work together. I also would find out what level of support is offered by your school to the coaches. I previously had coached at the K-2 level and did not find it to be as onerous as the 3-6 level.