I wouldn't worry about it, if you are. As long as she's happy, I wouldn't worry about stunting her growth in some way. She enjoys the things you schedule for her, so she might have signed herself up for those activities if given the option.

In addition, I tend to think that the extent to which a kid likes/needs to get out of the house depends on the level of extroversion. If your daughter is highly extroverted, she may crave being around others constantly in just the kinds of settings you've set up for her. I think that even if you get 9/10 responses here from other parents that their kids enjoy/need more downtime, it's not necessarily true for your kid.

I don't think you sound like a bad parent, and I don't think your kid sounds like she's being overstimulated either. I am a fan of structured activity, as long as it's the right kind, in conjunction with free play. So for example regarding your Mandarin lessons, that is not the sort of thing that a purely unschooled child would be likely to learn; but I think it is a good thing to learn. You're doing fine.

Last edited by Iucounu; 07/10/10 01:39 PM.

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