Originally Posted by Dottie
I like to think of us as good, but not great (but not not-good), grin . Truly, we are better than our local scores might suggest, and I'd absolutely take on one of the parents in the neighboring "better" district to stick up for what we have. "Good" is probably very subjective. We are NOT good by traditional standards, but we are good enough where it counts, smile .

I guess I should add, in light of the above, that when I said that we live in an excellent school district, I did not mean that our students have high test scores. I guess I'm out of the schooling world enough that I didn't even realize that that is the traditional standard of measuring schools. frown Instead, I meant that we have a very flexible school district, with a lot of different options, which is probably partially due to the very large number of ESL/ELL students (who are mostly the kids of our University's foreign students and visiting professors), and a lot of community support, which is probably due to the fact that we live in a small, highly-educated city.