If we weren't pretty happy with our plan to unschool, I think we'd be pretty happy with the options and flexibility of our local school district. smile Of course, my child has not been identified as PG (nor do I expect that she will be, though her milestones are similar to your DD's).

I would think about school districts. I tend to think that the communities with more highly educated, thoughtful, and tolerant residents will be the ones with better school districts and gifted programs. Besides, you may change your mind, or you may decide to send her to school part time, particularly when she is older.

I really like the advice I got when we were deciding on where to move, which is that the most important thing is to find a community that shares the values of your family. In our case, it led us to a city with excellent schools, lots of homeschoolers, a big university, and tons of activities for kids.