OK I am afraid to sound stupid about testing but it is confusing. Is the Terra Nova CTBS a nationally normed achievement test? She took that this past spring, and was at the 99th% for Language composite and total score and 98% for math composite. I just signed up for the Duke Talent Search so I guess will be receiving info about Explore. In the process of trying to find the right tester for IQ test. Will be ordering IAS.

I don't know exactly when or where we will be moving--helpful, huh? lol! If dh had his way it would be Asia but that won't work for dd6. I am hoping NE or West coast. I at least want to have all of the pieces in place to be prepared to advocate for her wherever we end up. I feel like the move would be a good time to skip, and the middle school here is just not acceptable--where we are now her current school is the only place that has the potential to meet her needs.

3) If you feel she isn't really adequately challenged now or developing good study skills now, then I would look at trying to solve this problem 'now.' Is there such a thing as a grade skip at her Montessori school? Are there other ways that you can met the same goal without limiting the amount of time she can attend her school that she is happy at?

This is the key! I *think* she might be challenged in some areas? I wish we already had explore results to get a better picture...but actually realistically--I guess she hasn't been challenged as much as I would like. She will be moving to Upper Elementary--4th/5th plus 1 or 2 6th graders. The teacher is new to UE--but I believe she is qualified, enthusiastic and will do her best to differentiate--I just know I am going to have to step up to the plate. Thankfully I know my good friend whose gifted daughter in in the class and at about the same LOG (I think) (and we are talking MG I think) is on the same page. The study skills are an issue--I had asked for more advanced spelling--they moved her up a year in the spelling book and it was still totally inadequate--I mean really a waste of her time. My experience of not having to make an effort has not served me well in life and I don't want that for her!

Her needs have been put on the back burner b/c the teachers love her and after spending 2 months in Vietnam, then coming home to my very sad and angry little boy who didn't understand where I had been with his new sister and the difficult adjustment and trying to figure out how to parent her and the dynamic between the two little ones for the past 2 yrs. I just didn't put enough thought into what dd9 needed. I have high hopes for the nurtured heart approach I read about here! So I am sure I will have questions about how to ensure she gets the most out of the next 1 1/2-2 yrs. to be set up for success. Trying not to feel guilty--she is a wonderful child with lots of potential.

"...the principal told all of us parents that we should be prepared to play the role of the student's 'frontal lobes'" This is what I need! Someone to be my frontal lobe! (I also have ADD--thankfully fpr her dd9 does not appear to!)

Thank you for your generosity here--I know it will be an invaluable resource!